Justyna Szpara, FCIArb



@show email justyna.szpara@laszczuk.pl

Justyna Szpara is a partner heading the Dispute Resolution Practice. She is a renowned expert in the field of international arbitration and litigation, with over 20 years of experience in legal advisory for businesses.

She has worked as counsel in high-profile international and domestic commercial arbitrations, i.a., under ICC Rules, SCC Rules, VIAC Rules, UNCITRAL Rules, LCIA Rules, Polish Chamber of Commerce Rules and Lewiatan Rules. She has represented investors in investment arbitrations. She also frequently represents clients in commercial litigations.

Justyna is listed as a recommended arbitrator by the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw, Lewiatan Arbitration Court, LCIA, VIAC and SCIA. She is Fellow at the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. She has served as an arbitrator in more than 100 cases under ICC Rules, SCC Rules, VIAC Rules, as well as the rules of domestic institutions. She is frequently appointed as the presiding arbitrator or a sole arbitrator.

Justyna is one of the most recognized Polish lawyers in the field of dispute resolution and arbitration, regularly recommended by prestigious international rankings such: Legal 500 EMEA, Chambers Europe, Chambers Global, Who’s Who Legal, Lexology and the Polish ranking of law firms organized by Rzeczpospolita.

Her social involvement includes serving as Vice-Chair to the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR.

She is the author of numerous publications on arbitration both in Poland and abroad, and a frequent speaker at conferences dedicated to this subject.

Justyna graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. In 2000, she graduated from the School of German Law at the University of Warsaw and she also studied at the University of Regensburg, Germany. In 2011, she completed advanced training on international arbitration at International Arbitration Academy in Paris.

She has been cooperating with Łaszczuk & Partners since 1999. For many years, she held the position of managing partner.




Selected publications

Zawarcie klauzuli arbitrażowej przez odesłanie do innego dokumentu w kontekście uznawania i wykonywania wyroków arbitrażowych w międzynarodowym arbitrażu handlowym

(współautor: Aleksandra Orzeł-Jakubowska) [w:] M. Dumkiewicz, J. Szczotka, K. Kopaczyńska-Pieczniak (red.), Sto lat polskiego prawa handlowego. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Andrzejowi Kidybie. Rozdział II, Warszawa 2020

Postępowania postarbitrażowe

[w:] A. Szumański (red.), System prawa handlowego. Tom 8. Arbitraż handlowy, C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2009

Kilka uwag o wykonalności rozstrzygnięcia o kosztach postępowania arbitrażowego w przypadku braku właściwości sądu polubownego do rozstrzygnięcia sporu

[w:] Jelonek-Jarco Barbara, Kos Rafał, Zawadzka Julita (red.), Usus magister est optimus. Rozprawy prawnicze ofiarowane Profesorowi Andrzejowi Kubasowi. Warszawa 2016

Regulamin Arbitrażowy Sądu Arbitrażowego przy KIG

Komentarz, M. Łaszczuk, A. Szumański (red.)