senior partner
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Maciej is the founder of Łaszczuk & Partners. He advises Polish and international businesses in commercial and arbitration disputes, and on civil and commercial law.
He focuses on drawing up strategies for conducting disputes and representing clients in judicial and arbitration proceedings, particularly involving infrastructure projects, construction, M&A, real estate, and commercial contracts.
Maciej has advised and represented parties in state courts in numerous high-profile post-arbitration cases (for recognition and enforcement of awards and to set aside awards). His experience includes advising and representing clients in investment arbitrations.
He has served as an arbitrator in over 400 arbitration cases, institutional and ad hoc, national and international, under various rules of procedure, including UNCITRAL, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), and the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce (SAKIG).
Maciej is a recommended arbitrator for a number of permanent arbitration courts, including the largest one in Poland (SAKIG).
He also serves as a mediator in commercial cases.
Maciej is one of the most recognized Polish lawyers in the field of dispute resolution and arbitration, regularly recommended by prestigious international rankings.
Representing and advising an international client from the telecommunications industry in a multi-billion-dollar set of disputes over control of one of the leading mobile operators in Poland, including representation in post-arbitration proceedings (amount in dispute c. EUR 2 billion)
Representing a Polish industrial company in an arbitration dispute concerning settlements under a joint-venture agreement, under UNCITRAL rules with the place of arbitration in New Delhi (value c. USD 30 million)
Advising a Danish client in acquiring three shopping malls in Poland (value c. EUR 120 million)
Advice and representation in tax and audit proceedings concerning payment of VAT and excise tax, for an international group of companies from the cosmetics industry (value over PLN 40 million)
Advising a listed company from the chemicals industry in negotiations with a leading international supplier of professional software for delivery and startup of software system (value c. EUR 10 million)
Advising an American client from the paper industry in a dispute with a commercial partner for control over a company operating a heat and power plant (value PLN 200 million)
Advising and representing French and Dutch companies in investment arbitration against Poland under bilateral investment treaties (value c. EUR 2 billion and USD 30 million respectively)
Strategic advice on developing systems for operating in Poland by international companies in the direct selling industry
Development of strategy, advice and representation of general contractors in arbitration and litigation with investors concerning performance of FIDIC-based contracts
Advising and representing law firms in disputes with clients and partners
Serving as an arbitrator, and particularly as the presiding arbitrator, in a range of arbitration disputes worth millions of dollars, concerning such matters as: - - Airport construction
- - Power plant and wind farms construction,
- - Construction of a concert hall
- - Construction of a shopping mall and cinema complex
- - Construction of highways and expressways
- - Construction of wastewater treatment plants
- - Acquisition of the shares of a leading insurer
- - Acquisition of a shopping centre
- - Wind farm transactions
- - Contractual settlements between leading financial institutions
- - Commercial leases
Qualified as an advocate
Qualified as an attorney-at-law
Completion of the judicial application and judge qualification exam
Department of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw.
Council of the Court of Arbitration for Sport at the Polish Olympic Committee - Vice President
Polish Arbitration Association - member of the board
Polish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Poland)
Polish Association of European Law
Committee on the International Commercial Arbitration of the International Law Association (ILA)
International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA)
Austrian Arbitration Association (ArbAut)
Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA)
Polish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Polska)
International Association of Lawyers (UIA)
International Law Association (ILA)
ADR Arbitration and Mediation quarterly - member of the Editorial Advisory Board
Commercial Arbitration Know-how 2024 – Poland » »
GAR, 05/2024
Kilka uwag o etyce arbitra
[w:] Jan Olszewski, Łukasz Błaszczak, Rafał Morek (red.) Arbitraż i mediacja – perspektywy prywatnoprawna i publicznoprawna MIĘDZY TEORIĄ A PRAKTYKĄ. KSIĘGA PAMIĄTKOWA KU CZCI PROFESORA JANA ŁUKASIEWICZA, Rzeszów 2018
Arbitraż w czasach pandemii
[w:] M. Dumkiewicz, J. Szczotka, K. Kopaczyńska-Pieczniak (red.), Sto lat polskiego prawa handlowego. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Andrzejowi Kidybie. Rozdział II, Warszawa 2020
Postępowania postarbitrażowe
[w:] A. Szumański (red.), System prawa handlowego. Tom 8. Arbitraż handlowy, wyd.II, C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2015
Kilka uwag o obowiązkach, niezależności i bezstronności arbitrów
[w:] Maciej Łaszczuk, Marek Furtek, Sylwester Pieckowski, Jerzy Poczobut, Andrzej Szumański, Maciej Tomaszewski (red.), Arbitraż i mediacja, księga jubileuszowa dedykowana doktorowi Andrzejowi Tynelowi. Warszawa 2012;
Wadliwość postępowania dowodowego jako przyczyna uchylenia wyroku arbitrażowego
[w:] Jelonek-Jarco Barbara, Kos Rafał, Zawadzka Julita (red.), Usus magister est optimus. Rozprawy prawnicze ofiarowane Profesorowi Andrzejowi Kubasowi. Warszawa 2016
Regulamin Arbitrażowy Sądu Arbitrażowego przy KIG
Komentarz, M. Łaszczuk, A. Szumański (red.) . C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2017 (§ 6 ust. 2; § 20-23; § 43-47)